Was there really any doubt what I would be picking this week? Not only is this a down week for releases when compared to the last month or so, but my most anticipated game of 2008 is finally coming out. Prince of Persia hits the PS3 and Xbox 360 this week. This is a bit of a new beginning for the series with a new main character, a slew of new platforming moves like the gripfall and roofrun, and a reworked fighting system that has you taking on one enemy at a time. You also have a new partner Elika who uses magic to aid you in combat as well as help you perform amazing acrobatic maneuvers. This all occurs in a more open-ended game world and presented in the beautiful new illustrative artstyle. I'll finally get to see if the game lives up to the hype I've been giving it.
Monday, December 1, 2008
This Week's Releases: The Prince is Back Edition
Was there really any doubt what I would be picking this week? Not only is this a down week for releases when compared to the last month or so, but my most anticipated game of 2008 is finally coming out. Prince of Persia hits the PS3 and Xbox 360 this week. This is a bit of a new beginning for the series with a new main character, a slew of new platforming moves like the gripfall and roofrun, and a reworked fighting system that has you taking on one enemy at a time. You also have a new partner Elika who uses magic to aid you in combat as well as help you perform amazing acrobatic maneuvers. This all occurs in a more open-ended game world and presented in the beautiful new illustrative artstyle. I'll finally get to see if the game lives up to the hype I've been giving it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hands-on: Tomb Raider: Underworld
Lara's new rock-climbing skills (plus the walljump shown in the image at the top of the article) add more depth to the platforming and exploration.
The game also has a bit of combat. In the demo, you’ll face off against a handful sharks underwater, a couple groups of tigers, and bunch of random spiders and bats. The combat feels a lot like the last couple games which is to say it isn’t very good. Basically, you lock on with the left trigger and shoot with the right. You’ll run around jumping and rolling to avoid the enemies and shoot them. There’s a new trick to getting headshots which is pretty good, but not all that much better than it was in Anniversary. You can also melee enemies and the addition of shooting while hanging on a ledge or on a balance beam is nice, but overall the combat just feels sub-par compared to similar games on the market.
Lara shows her passion for tigers and other wildlife throughout the demo.
It must be said that Tomb Raider: Underworld is really nice to look at. Lara’s character model looks great and they’ve added some new animations like how she braces herself when running into a wall or pushes brush away from her face when moving through the jungle. The environments looks fantastic as well. There were some glitches like a strange effect around Lara’s shirt in the opening cutscene and some clipping here and there, but it’s a demo. If they can polish off some of the rough edges, this game should look really good when it comes out. The music and voice acting featured in the demo also seem to be on the right track.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hands-on: Mirror's Edge
Monday, November 3, 2008
This Week's Releases: Shooter Face-Off Edition
Resistance 2
Do you hear that sound? Yes, it is in fact the sound of me copping out this week. I can't really choose at the moment between these two games. While I will not be picking up either this week (still busy with LBP), I will almost certainly have both these games by year's end. They both look great. Personally, I would pick up Resistance 2 first (which may make it my pick of the week... I don't know). But this is partly due to the fact that Insomniac is one of my favorite developers and I like Resistance's story a bit more. I really enjoyed the first game, but I'm not too happy with the decisions to not have local competitive multiplayer and move to a two-weapon load-out. I'm not much of an online player, but I really enjoyed playing 4-player offline with friends (still do actually). Not being able to do that (unless of course I got a wrong answer about it's inclusion on the Playstation Blog) or choose from a number of crazy weapons at once is a bit disappointing. Having said that I'm sure I'll really like the single-player and co-op campaigns and for those that are into online, there's not much to complain about.
Gears of War 2
Then, there's Gears of War 2. I really got a kick out of the first Gears. I mean I really have only played the co-op campaign, but it was still a lot of fun. I did try the local multiplayer, but one-on-one is pretty lame. But with Gears 2, they're adding bot support so that local will be more fun and adding the sweet new Horde mode. Plus, the campaign should be longer, so, I'll definitely be getting more value from this game then the first.
Despite a bit of complaining (games getting rid of local multiplayer is a pet peeve of mine), I'll probably get Resistance 2 first, personally, but I really think both of these games are going to very good and I'd advise either. If you only have a PS3 or 360, your decision is probably made for you. But until I play both, I can't say which will be better, but I'm guessing you can't really go wrong with either.
Other games of note this week include Tom Clancy's End War and James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace appearing on multiple platforms and the PS3 exclusive Valkyria Chronicles. Anyway, enjoy killing some locust or chimera if you guys get the chance. I should be back soon with some hands-on impressions of Mirror's Edge and Tomb Raider: Underworld soon.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My Legend of Zelda Jack-O-Lanterns
A close look at my Link Jack-O-Lantern in the dark.
A close look at my Tetra Jack-O-Lantern in the dark.
A look at my Link Carving and pumpkin in the light.
A look at my Tetra carving from a bit further back, where you get a better look at the pumpkin.
My Link and Tetra Jack-O-Lanterns side by side.
I actually did them on Halloween night and here it is two days later and they're kind of a mess already. This is how it is with these type of carvings though. Tetra was a bit tough at times and due to her hair continuing down on either side of her face, after one day I had to start using a fork to prop up her face so it didn't just fall into the pumpkin. Her little curly hair thing at the top started falling down a day later, too. Also, since I started doing my own designs, I don't think I ever popped out a piece as big as Link's hair. That fact combined with some silly decisions I made on what parts to cut first (not sure what I was thinking) made it rather hard to cut out his hair without breaking another part (though luckily I didn't break anything). In the end, they both came out well without any mistakes. It's really satisfying that first night when you see your creations come together even if it is a bit sad to see them kind of fall apart the next few days. But I got plenty of good pictures, so, I'll always have them to remember my carvings with. Anyway, I hope you liked them and hopefully I'll be back on here with more at some point in the future.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This Week's Releases: LittleBigEdition
If you've been following my blog, you know that LittleBigPlanet is one my most anticipated games of the year. Having played the beta, I'm pretty convinced that this game will be a load of fun. Whether you want to just go through the story mode, create some levels, or play with some friends, this game will have you covered. LBP promises to be a truly unique experience and it's my pick for the game you should get this week.
I really liked the original Motorstorm. The driving mechanics were really well done and the graphics were some of the best ever when it released, but it was a little lacking in content. While Pacific Rift's graphics won't blow you away like the first one, they are looking to fix that whole lack of content thing. Twice as many tracks as the original and splitscreen multiplayer look to give this new game a lot more life. The demo played pretty well and this should satisfy Motorstorm fans and other racing junkies.
Monday, October 20, 2008
This Week's Releases
I've been hearing good things about Fable 2 lately. I'm not really an RPG player, but this one actually did look pretty interesting when I saw some demos a while back. It's co-op feature seems neat as well. 360 owners looking for a good RPG should check this one out. Oh and it features this awesome tree monster pictured above (at least I think that's what it is). That has to be worth something.
Castlevania is almost always solid. This is your typical Nintendo handheld "Metroid-vania," but it has a few things to keep it fresh like a new female protagonist, more outdoor environments, the new glyph system, and this cool new ability where you can fling yourself around environments. This was my pick for the Best Handheld Game of E3 and it looks like it should be one of the better handheld games released this year. Order of Ecclesia is likely a must for Castlevania fans and definitely worth a look for those looking for some good handheld action this week.
There are some other games worth noting. Guitar Hero: World Tour comes out this Sunday for a bunch of platforms. There's also a DS game coming out called Tornado which looked alright when I saw a preview of it a while ago. It's got this Katamari-esque feel where you suck a bunch of stuff up into a tornado. PS3 owners can finally explore Rapture when Bioshock hits the PS3 this week (unless they also own a 360 or capable PC, then they may have done so already). Also, for those interested Spiderman: Web of Shadows and The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon are coming out for most relevant game systems (unless you want Spyro on PSP, I'm pretty sure you're going to be let down then). Well, there's plenty of things to like here though I'm not sure another Spiderman game is one those things. And for those of you who were hoping to pick up LittleBigPlanet this week, I'm with you and it'll only be another week now (unless you don't live in the U.S., then a bit longer it seems).