Today, my E3 predictions continue with the focus shifting to Microsoft. Here's what I think Microsoft will have planned for it's Xbox 360:
-A new Xbox 360 with a 60 GB harddrive will be announced to replace the the current model with the 20GB HDD.
-Solid release dates this Fall will be announced for Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Fable 2, Halo Wars, and Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise. Too Human should also be present and playable along with the rest of these games. Don't be surpised if Fable 2 or Halo Wars slip to 2009.
-Microsoft's new motion sensitive controller will be introduced and be similar to the Wii Remote. This will be used to help push the 360 as a casual oriented game system. It should be compatible with both Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, and possibly Halo Wars. Microsoft should also introduce a couple of other games for the casual game market that use this new controller. Also, the controller will be bundled with either an upcoming game or the Arcade 360 unit (with no HDD).
Expect the new Banjo to be one of a number of games to support the new motion-sensitive controller.
-Avatars will be introduced as an alternative to gamerpics as part of your gamercard. They'll be incorporated into some of the new games that support their new motion sensitive controller. Should be available by the end of the year.
-Lips will be unveiled as a karaoke-type game with a microphone controller pack-in. New motion controller may be compatible with it as a mic. Will be released in Fall 2008.
-Forza Motorsport 3 will be announced for a 2009 release, probably May or June. Plenty of details should accompany it as well as a trailer.
-The first trailer of Halo: Chronicles, Peter Jackson's Halo project will be shown. Set for a 2009 release.
-Microsoft will brag about the exclusive GTA IV downloadable episodes, but I don''t expect any details on them.
-Bioware should show a new RPG for the 360. Possibly a sequel to Jade Empire or Mass Effect. Now that they are with EA, it might not be exclusive to 360 or appear at Microsoft's press conference. Expect some looks at other third-party games coming out this holiday season for the 360 even if they're not exclusive.
A sequel to Jade Empire would be a nice surprise at MS's press conference.
-Bungie's next project will be revealed.
-Alan Wake won't be at the show and Rare won't have anything other than the new Banjo and Viva Pinata games for the 360.
That's what I'm expecting from Microsoft for E3. We'll have to see how these predictions turn out. I'll continue my E3 coverage as the week goes on with my Microsoft/Xbox 360 wishlist and my Nintendo predictons. Feel free to tell me what you think Microsoft will do at E3 in the comments
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