Just like I did for Sony. This is my wishlist for Microsoft and the Xbox 360. These are the kind of things that would be good for Microsoft if they did happen, even if they're not likely. Here's what I've got:
5. Itagaki starting a new studio with Microsoft
With Itagaki and some other Team Ninja members seemingly leaving Tecmo, I'm thinking that maybe they could start a new studio with Microsoft. This would make sense since Itagaki is such a "360 guy" and him and the other leaving members would have so much experience with the 360. While I'm all for Itagaki supporting multiple platforms, with Bungie and Bizzare leaving Microsoft and Bioware now with EA (which I believe will result in more multi-platform games from them), Microsoft could use a new internal developer to help first-party development. This seems like it would make sense.
4. Bungie to announce that rumored third-person action/adventure/shooter Halo prequel
Seeing a third-person Halo game at E3 would be interesting.
EGM's Quartermann started this rumor a while back. I've only just started playing through the Halo series, but this sounds cool. I've always liked third-person games better than first-person and it would be interesting to see what Bungie could do with something a bit different. It would still be familiar though and people love Halo, so, this would be good for Microsoft. I might have put it a bit higher on the list, but I already said Bungie would announce something at E3 which could be this.
3. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame remake on XBLA from Ubisoft
This one may seem kind of strange, but I really liked Prince of Persia Classic. I've also never played through PoP2, so, this would be really cool for me. This would sort of falls to Ubisoft, but PoP: Classic is my favorite XBLA game that I've played and a similar remake for Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame would probably be just as good.
2. DOA5 or Code Cronos from Team Ninja
Seeing more of these ladies at E3 would be a good thing whether it be in DOA5 or Code Cronos.
Well with all that's going on with Team Ninja, this seems pretty unlikely at the moment. But I think Team Ninja will survive this whole thing and continue to make good games. DOA5 would be cool and I'm sure it's still coming, but I'd like to see what the heck Code Cronos is. It supposedly involves Ayane and Kasumi and being the Ninja Gaiden fan I am, I'm dreaming of some kind of action/adventure starring the two DOA ladies. That might be awesome. Well, whatever Code Cronos is or DOA5 would be good for 360 owners.
1. Alan Wake showing up again at E3
Alan...where have you been?
Alan Wake looked awesome when it debuted in 2005. It looked great again in 2006. Unfortunately we haven't seen it since. I don't think we'll see Alan Wake at E3, but I really want to. It's one of the main reasons I wanted to get a 360 having already owned a PS3. A total blowout on the game would be great. Or just a gameplay demonstration. Or even a new trailer. Let me see some more on the game and tell me it will be out sometime before 2009 ends and I'll be pretty happy.
Well, that's what I came up with for MS and the 360. This list was a bit harder than Sony or Nintendo's since Microsoft only has the one system and they don't have as many established franchises, but I think these things would be good for 360 owners. Keep an eye on Video Game Oasis for my Nintendo E3 predictions and wishlist soon.
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