Well, it's been a bit since I've posted anything on here. I've really been in planning mode. During next week, I will be having my Pre-E3 coverage. I won't be attending E3, but I will be paying close attention to what is going on and watching and reading all about it in a couple weeks. But just like many gamers out there I have my own predictions and wishes for what will be at the show. To kick things off, my brother and I will be recording a podcast on Sunday which we hope to have up on the blog on Monday or Tuesday (unless something goes completely awry). On there we will talk about all things E3 from what Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will reveal at their press conferences to what will be the Games of the Show. While me and my brother will both make some predictions on the podcast, I will throughout the rest of the week post my official predictions for Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft as well as one for third-party related predictions. I'm also going have a wish list for each company (you know what I want to see from them, but probably won't). Then after the show, we're planning to do another podcast where we look back at what happened at the show as well as seeing how my predictions turned out (and from here hopefully the podcast will be a regular occurance on here). Plus, I'll be updating the blog throughout with coverage or impressions of stuff I've seen.
And while I thought I would have reviews ready by now, I should start having them soon (though I may wait until the E3 stuff is done). I'm going to do it for the most part as I described earlier, but I don't think I'm going to rate individual parts like I had planned. It just makes things a bit too complicated. I'll still have a summary and an overall rating though. My first batch of reviews should include Secret Agent Clank for PSP, Ninja Gaiden II for Xbox 360, and Professor Layton and the Curious Village for DS. I may also follow up with some reviews of games from last year like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, and Super Stardust HD for PS3. Hopefully you'll enjoy everything I have coming up next week and in future.
Friday, July 4, 2008
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